Allin / Rose Consulting, Inc., has worked with lawyers for years on both sides of the legal table, providing expert witness testimony for plaintiffs and defendants. They are qualified as expert witnesses on snow plowing in numerous states around the country, and regularly assist legal representatives in winter accident actions including slip-and-fall incidents on commercial sites involving snow and ice. Having worked in most states performing snow and ice management as well as doing expert witness cases, no one is better qualified to opine on whether involved parties have performed in an acceptable fashion before, during, and after a snow or ice event.
John Allin and Lisa Rose have spent over 50 years developing and testing snow management strategies in one of the most intense, lake-effect, snow-belt regions in the world: The south shores of North America's Great Lake Erie.
Allin / Rose Consulting, Inc., expert witness services include:
• Snow and ice slip-and-fall case review
• Expert witness testimony related to snow and ice mitigation
• Snow plowing and removal operation and technique review
At small scale, snow plowing too often comes down to an independent operator in a pickup truck with a plow. But whether a case involves a modest parking lot at a private business, an airport, or a property owned by a large municipality or private enterprise, snow plowing is actually a complex endeavor involving planning, communication and execution.
Plaintiff attorneys who focus on what they believe to be the basics, are likely leaving out a host of critical issues that can expose defendant liability as well as other liable third parties. On the other hand, defense attorneys who are not properly prepared to address a wide range of complex issues may be blindsided by a prepared plaintiff.
Among the most common issues involving snow plowing:
John and Lisa have been qualified as expert witnesses on snow and ice management in numerous states around the country and regularly assist legal representatives in actions involving winter accidents including slip-and-fall incidents on commercial sites.
The truth of the matter is that plowing is an incredibly complex endeavor. Consulting with Allin / Rose Consulting, Inc., will put years of extensive experience in your corner.
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